March 28 - One Year Anniversary
When I retired, I found no one would read my memos anymore. My hand puppet interpretation on the pitfalls of the 2nd Amendment was really lost on the Kindergarteners at my son’s school.
I needed a release for my pent-up thoughts, so I started a blog, WWJD (What Would Jay Do.)
Within my blog, my A- personality took over.
I added structure to the blog through regular entries, such as:
Many of you sent me direct emails of agreement rather than posting comments onto the blog. Do you not want others to know that you have tasted the kool-aid and it was good?
Of the comments that are posted to the blog, 98% are positive. Either way, I always enjoy the feedback. Criticism drowns some people. I’m as buoyant as they come.
My Dad once told me I was homely and adopted. He also told me I was brought into the family as the third child so that he wouldn’t have to go to Vietnam. He also told me I was one-eighth Cherokee. I must have been the first and only albino Cherokee.
My Business Entrepreneur Instructor my senior year at Ohio State gave me a C on my Business Plan to turn apartments into condos. Les Wexner, founder of The Limited, accepted the plans and made millions. My instructor is now in jail on Insider Trading charges.
Quentin Tarantino couldn’t make this stuff up.
Do you think a disagreeable remark or a negative comment would cause irreparable harm?
In publishing this blog, I’ve yet to suffer from writer’s block. Then again, it doesn’t pay very well, so the pressure is quite low.
If nothing else, my typing skills have progressed to the proficiency level of most third graders.
In Year 2, I’m thinking about some changes. Solutions Saturday may replace Friday Funny. I would be willing to publish a Guest Blog, if some one would ask.
I’m off on vacation until early April. No blogs, just sun, surf, and some golf.
As the hungry Italians say on their way out the door, “Chow.”