Tuesday, April 04, 2006

April 3 - Pet Peeve Monday

Every Monday will be PET PEEVE MONDAY. Nobody likes Mondays anyway. Now I'm going to share with you something that bothers me, and I'm sure it bothers you too.

This week it is DAY LIGHT SAVINGS TIME (DST). Last weekend , we "Sprung Forward". We lost an hour. I don't like the concept.

My house has 65 CLOCKS:
11 Wall Clocks
6 Radio Clocks
17 TVs with Clocks
9 VCR / DVD players with Clocks
1 Microwave with a Clock
1 Convection Oven with a Clock
1 Regular Oven with a Clock
5 Computers with Clocks
5 Phones with Clocks
1 Answering Machine with a Clock
3 Wristwatches
2 Cars with Clocks
1 Pager with a Clock
1 Coffee Maker with a Clock

All but a few require manual intervention. Even those that automatically update won't work when we "Fall Back" later this year because Congres moved DST to November from October with the Energy Policy Act of 2005. You can learn alot from CSPAN.

Thank goodness the Biological Clock on my wife has been disconnected. I would not know how to adjust that one by an hour.

Now I feel I lost more than hour just adjusting my clocks. This also bothers me because we lose the hour in the middle of the night when we are sleeping. Why not take that hour at 11 a.m. when all we would miss would be Star Jones on "The View". In fact, everytime I watch her I feel that that's another hour I'll never get back.

A study of traffic accidents throughout Canada in 1991 and 1992 by Stanley Coren of the University of British Columbia before, during, and immediately after the so-called "spring forward" when DST begins in April. Alarmingly, he found an eight percent jump in traffic accidents on the Monday after clocks are moved ahead. He attributes the jump to the lost hour of sleep.

Stop DAY LIGHT SAVINGS TIME. Give me my hour back.


At April 05, 2006 5:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay, did you ever think you have too many clocks, TVs etc?


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