Monday, March 20, 2017

Mar. 20, 2017 - PPM - Free isn't Fair

This week’s PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) is about Obamacare.

The US Congress will be attempting to repeal and replace this horrific law this year.  It has been bad for our economy, bad for the overall healthcare cost curve, and extremely bad for the trajectory of our country as a whole.

The problem is that healthcare should have never been entitled.  Nowhere in the US Constitution does it state that healthcare is a right. It will not be easy, because it is extremely difficult to take back an “entitlement” once provided.  The continued Medicaid expansion that has ballooned under Obamacare cannot be sustained.

Taking money from the working people to pay for someone else’s healthcare is not reasonable.  If I’m going to pay for someone’s healthcare then I should have a say in their lifestyle that affects their healthcare spending.

The best scenario for rolling back an entitlement was when the national and local governments made able bodied welfare recipients work for their benefits.  The welfare rolls dropped when this stipulation was introduced.
Life style choices of poor diets, sedentary lifestyles, and tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drug use, drive poor health results, and drive up healthcare costs.

Where is the motivation to contain Medicaid spending if the users are not held accountable for their behaviors that drive the costs?

If we are going to have an “Entitlement” society, then there needs to be counter measures to balance the cost versus the benefits.

Just Saying.
