Monday, February 27, 2012

Feb. 27, 2012 - PPM - Politicians on Drugs?

This week’s PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) concerns that outrage over Proposed Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients.

Nearly two dozen states are considering plans this session that would make drug testing mandatory for welfare recipients, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Opponents believe the plan amounts to an unconstitutional search of people.

Even if it ruled unconstitutional, it would unconscionable to continue to fund entitlements at the current rate. Just under 50% of the nation receive some form of government aid. Shouldn’t there be some sorts of “means” test? For example, if you can afford drugs, you don't need welfare.


Maybe the politicians who don't support drug-free welfare checks should be tested for drugs?

If you have to pass a drug test in order to get a job and get paid, it only seems to reason that you should have to pass a drug test in order to NOT get a job and still get paid.

The US Government has spent $16 Trillion on welfare type entitlements since President Johnson declared a "War on Poverty" in 1964. Ironically, this is very close to our current National Debt. For all this money, the poverty rates have actually increased.

Some politicians, (and we know who), continue to pander to their base. If they cut off the free money, they may lose their vote.

Thomas Jefferson famously said, "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."

We are very close to that precipice.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Friday, February 24, 2012

Feb. 24, 2012 - Friday Funny - Dog Days of Winter

This week's FRIDAY FUNNY comes at a time when the Westminster Dog Show has just finished.

This "thrilling" event is played out of National TV. These "model" dogs have personal groomers, trainers, dietitians, and stay in exclusive hotels. They live a life much like Naomi Campbell, just without all the attitude.

I have a dog. He has no professional training or grooming. He eats DOG FOOD. I don't have an invisible fence and no matter what, he never wanders off. I never potty trained him, I just make him wear a diaper. The kids got tired of the diaper and learned to use the toilet. He either will, or he won't.

The person who bought the below book paid $12.95 on Amazon which is $12.95 more than I am willing to invest.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Feb. 20, 2012 – PPM – Racial (In) Sensitivities

This week's PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) is the Subjective Nature of Political Correctness.

Last weekend, an ESPN writer was fired for using an "offensive" slang word to the Chinese in a headline. After Jeremy Lin, an American of Taiwan descent, and NY Knick basketball player, had a bad night; he offered that there was "A Chink in the Armor."

Funny to some, bad and out of line to many.

Never mind that the Chinese are the WORLD LEADER in human rights abuses, let's focus on a low level EPSN person. This "Headline Writer" problem only makes marginally more money than the Nike Shoe Factory Foreman at the Beijing Nike plant.

We are always very selective in our outrage.

It is OK for Rappers to say "Nigger", but everyone else must say the "N-word", always in hushed tones.

In 2006, Virginian Senator George Allen's Presidential campaign was ended because he called a heckler a "Macaca." A perceived French slang word for illegal African immigrants. Without Google, no one would have given Macaca a second thought.

Here's is my PEEVE.

If Macaca and Chink are SO offensive, why do the main stream media constantly repeat the word in their reporting? Every story this weekend led with the "Chink" reference. They would never consider using "Nigger" in their story if the story was juxtaposed? They instead defer to the "N-Word."

Bottom line, racial slangs are offensive and – OFFENSIVE is OFFENSIVE!!! Why aren't they treated equal? To me - THAT IS RACIST.

Growing up in a predominately black neighborhood, I was always called "Cracker." I just assumed it was because they had confused me with my neighbor, the "Grahams." Who knew?

Political Correctness should not be decided by those that report the news, but by those that live the real world.


Feb. 17, 2012 - Friday Funny - Reward Honesty

This week's FRIDAY FUNNY was sent to me from Illinois. It shows that the impact of the Obama policies have even hit "Blue" states.

If it was me, I would have dropped a dollar in his jar for his originality, honesty, and humor.


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Feb. 13, 2012 – PPM – Writing a Wrong

This week's PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) is the misuse of TWITTER. The use of Twitter has exploded, which is OK. The problem is that local papers have instructed their journalists (?) to reach out to the readers and use this social media.

These employees are unaccustomed to dealing with direct feedback and questions. Some handle it well, others, not so much.

Some see it as a "Bully Pulpit" where they can disparage, degrade, and dismiss, anyone that has a contrary view.

Case in point, Joe Reedy. Joe covers the Cincinnati Bengals and is also on Twitter as @joereedy.

Recently, I offered my consultation and guidance to Joe. Joe's recent posts and replies on Twitter were caustic and condescending to many. His Twitter profile states: "The Enquirer's Joe Reedy with Bengals news and other perspectives with steady doses of sarcasm and humor." At first, I tried to enlighten and educate Joe on the difference between sarcasm/humor and acerbic responses. I wasn't the only person to bring this to Joe's attention. Here are a couple of his Twitter responses:

RT @Janelle717
@joereedy Why do you have to be rude? You lose followers/readers, you lose your job. #Ungrateful>Increased numbers each year

RT @tvonallmen
@joereedy consider yourself unfollowed. So sick of RTs of your childish comebacks to those that tweet you negatively.>Bye

In his reply to my offer of assistance, Joe mentioned that his followers had only increased the past three years and that he had more followers than me. I indicated that he could have done better with a little less arrogance or condescension. My guidance was that quantity should not be confused with quality; otherwise Justin Beiber (16M followers) and Kim Kardashian (12M) would be in the White House as Barrack Obama only has 11M followers.

Next, I mentioned that any journalist (?) should know the difference between "your" and "you're" based on his below Tweet:

RT @StevO_1960
@joereedy Any chance Whit moves to Guard and we draft a Offensive Tackle?>Your kidding, right?

His reaction was to "Block" me from following him on Twitter. I've never been "blocked" but that is fine, I was only following because he said he used sarcasm and I like sarcasm. What really bothered me was that Joe didn't use sarcasm. But, then again, LIKE I needed more sarcasm.

Joe, here are a few examples of sarcasm:

Joe, if you don't improve your grammar, how will you ever advance to a larger market, LIKEToledo or Boise? (Sarcasm)

Joe, if you are going to write at a 3rd grade level, then I guess there (or in you're case, their) IS ALWAYS the Weekly Reader. (Sarcasm)

Joe, I usually charge for these interventions and lessons. But in your (or is it you're) case I do offer needs-based scholarships. YOUR welcome (AGAIN, Sarcasm and a bit of Irony.)

Joe is not alone in trying to use "perceived" power to administer his taunts from a "Bully Pulpit." Unfortunately, it is backfiring as their interpersonal and social skills are in need of a tune-up. One only has to look at the declining readership at Newsweek, one of the early Twitter adopters.

My advice has always been: Don't be a hater. Try harder. Be accepting of others. Use good grammar. Pay it forward. Tip your waiters and waitresses. Don't be a BULLY.


Monday, February 13, 2012

Feb. 10, 2012 - Friday Funny - Fishing

This week's FRIDAY FUNNY is about fishing. We’ve all heard the axiom “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he’ll never go hungry.”

Ironically, I don't FISH.


Friday, February 03, 2012

Feb. 1, 2012 - Friday Funny - Pin the Tail on the Tattoo

This week’s FRIDAY FUNNY comes from a local doctor. In his normal daily practice he gets the opportunity to view many tattoos located in every geography of the human body.

I had come up with the idea of Tramp Stamp Bingo in an earlier blog.

The graphic below renders a probable psychological assessment based on the physical location of the tattoo.



Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Jan. 30, 2012 – PPM - Political Endorsements


Ironically, this was a PPM for me almost 4 years ago to the day.

As we progress through the Republican Primaries, most of the state specific politicians are deciding to "Endorse" their candidate.

It is even worse when a "Hollywood type" endorses a politician.

You know what all of these people have in common? They all get ONE VOTE. Why should their opinion count? Why should we care?

I'm actually more likely NOT to vote for someone who has been endorsed by a has-been Politician.

Why should I care if Bob Dole, John McCain, or John Kerry endorses someone. THEY LOST!!!

Knowing that I am somewhat knowledgeable on the issues and the candidates, people have sought my counsel on the choices still available. I tell them to make up their own minds.

In South Carolina, the Governor Nikki Haley endorsed Mitt Romney. He Lost.

In Florida, Herman Cain and Sarah Palin endorsed Newt Gingrich. He Lost.

Everyone is trying to get Donald Trump's or Rush Limbaugh's endorsement. WHY?

I suggest we should enact a law that if you tell us who you are voting for, you no longer get to vote. It is supposed to be a private process. Let's keep it that way.

Convince the individual voter, and you may win.

I'm Jay Lewis and I ENDORSED this message.
