Monday, February 20, 2012

Feb. 20, 2012 – PPM – Racial (In) Sensitivities

This week's PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) is the Subjective Nature of Political Correctness.

Last weekend, an ESPN writer was fired for using an "offensive" slang word to the Chinese in a headline. After Jeremy Lin, an American of Taiwan descent, and NY Knick basketball player, had a bad night; he offered that there was "A Chink in the Armor."

Funny to some, bad and out of line to many.

Never mind that the Chinese are the WORLD LEADER in human rights abuses, let's focus on a low level EPSN person. This "Headline Writer" problem only makes marginally more money than the Nike Shoe Factory Foreman at the Beijing Nike plant.

We are always very selective in our outrage.

It is OK for Rappers to say "Nigger", but everyone else must say the "N-word", always in hushed tones.

In 2006, Virginian Senator George Allen's Presidential campaign was ended because he called a heckler a "Macaca." A perceived French slang word for illegal African immigrants. Without Google, no one would have given Macaca a second thought.

Here's is my PEEVE.

If Macaca and Chink are SO offensive, why do the main stream media constantly repeat the word in their reporting? Every story this weekend led with the "Chink" reference. They would never consider using "Nigger" in their story if the story was juxtaposed? They instead defer to the "N-Word."

Bottom line, racial slangs are offensive and – OFFENSIVE is OFFENSIVE!!! Why aren't they treated equal? To me - THAT IS RACIST.

Growing up in a predominately black neighborhood, I was always called "Cracker." I just assumed it was because they had confused me with my neighbor, the "Grahams." Who knew?

Political Correctness should not be decided by those that report the news, but by those that live the real world.



At February 20, 2012 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well put. It's unreal what the MSM gets away with.

At February 20, 2012 9:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great point. If there is a N word, why isn't there a C word, M word, J word, etc.

At February 21, 2012 9:01 PM, Anonymous Greg said...

You are saying what no one else would dare to say.


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