Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nov.22, 2010 – PPM – Don’t Tax or Tread On Me

This week's PPM is about the on-going Class Warfare that is being waged in Washington by our "Representatives."

Why are the rich vilified? Why is success an albatross?

We already have disparate tax rates. Why should one section of the population pay more for the same standard services that we all use?

Do the rich drive on "special" roads made of gold? Then why charge them more to use the same infrastructure?

Do the rich get a better national defense? Is there a special line at Krogers for those with more money?

Not all rich people inherited to their financial position. Some made sacrifices, went to college, took out loans. They made their money by traveling for business and missing some important life moments in order to eventually achieve a better life result.

Now, they are disparaged because of their efforts.

The Democrats are only concerned with the "Middle Class". This is pandering at its worst. They think that this will gain them votes. Their continued courting of certain minorities at the expense of others is wrong and should and will have negative implications.

Sixty per cent of the people get more out of the government than they pay while the top earners pay 90% of all income taxes.

Every one mentions that extending the Bush Tax Cuts for the wealthy will cost us $750B. No one mentions two things, that this is the cost over TEN YEARS. They also fail to mention how many jobs that will NOT be created because of the additional tax burden on small business owners.

They also fail to mention how much will the extension of ALL Bush tax cuts will cost the US Treasury? Wouldn't it be GREATER than $750B? Shouldn't the Middle Class be concerned about the national deficit as well?

Obama's continued "WEALTH REDISTIBUTION" plan will never make us all equal and eliminating poverty.
I firmly believe that if everyone started over with the same amount of money and same chance in life, that in five or ten years the stratification of the classes would appear again. The same people that are poor today would make up a large percentage of the poor tomorrow.

It's a matter of education, drive, and discipline. A prime example was the mismanagement of the "TAX REBATE" or stimulus checks some people received in 2008. Go back and read my blog about this issue and explain to me how I was wrong in my prediction. China was the only one that got a good deal out of this "Stimulus Package".

Growing up, I was no stranger to poverty. I spent more time in trailer parks than Midwest tornados.

I didn't survive poverty because of an international call to arms about the issue.

I overcame it because of a strong support system from my family and an individual drive to succeed.

The below passage is taken from Section 2, Article I, of the original US Constitution.

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.)"

According to our Fore Fathers, the wealthy should get a more proportional vote. Try that concept now.
So here we are some 220 years later with some people deciding that we need "Wealth Redistribution."

This is nothing more than CLASS WARFARE. This philosophy has never worked in the past and will not work this time.

Dare to dream. This was once the American motto.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Nov. 19, 2010 – FRIDAY FUNNY - The Three Faces of Eve(a)

This week's FRIDAY FUNNY is about the pending divorce of Eva Longoria and Tony Parker.

Does this surprise anyone? Does it surprise you that Eva is suing for spousal support?

You can now add Gold-Digger to her other talents: Being a Diva and Bad Acting. Hence, the 3 faces of Eva.

With Steve Nash announcing the split from his wife one day after their third child was born who'd have thought we'd reach a point where it looks like Kobe Bryant has the NBA's most solid superstar marriage?

I blogged about Ms. Longoria over 4 years ago on May 11, 2006. She was one of the 5 people I Would Meet in Hell, a cynical take-off of Mitch Albom's best seller, The 5 People I Meet in Heaven.

Eva's 15 minutes was up a long time ago. She should join Phillip Michael Thomas and Andrew Ridgeley and perform(?) Dinner Theatre in Kansas.

If Tony and Eva can't make it work, do any of us REALLY have a chance?


Monday, November 15, 2010

Nov.15, 2010 – PPM – Lame Duck Hunting

This week's PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) concerns the Lame Duck Congress.

The elections were held on November 2nd, but the new Congress doesn't take effect until January 2011.

Some would argue that the current Congress has been LAME already. They haven't passed anything but the ObamaCare that nobody wanted.

The current Congress had two years to consider the Bush tax cuts and took NO action. COWARDS.

There used to be a need to have a ten-week time lapse between Election Day and the swearing in of new Officials. This was due to the fact that horse travel was the desired mode of transportation. We now have technology and air flight.

In fact, the current Lame Duck Congress will only be in session for about a week because of Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is really just enough time to clear out their desks (see previous blog about Nancy Pelosi.)

Rather than allow for any Lame Duck shenanigans, I would suggest that we do the following:

  1. Move the Election Day to Black Friday or the day after Thanksgiving. Nobody works that day. Set up voting booths at the mall and other shopping venues. There might be a flaw in my logic if all Wal-Mart shoppers voted and were not, surprisingly, adequately informed.

  2. Congress would be in recess from the end of November through January.

  3. On the first Monday in January, the new Congress would take effect.

This would guarantee an effective transition of power. It would also make all congressmen up for election to run on their record on Election Day.

A compromise would be to make any Lame Duck representative to go (duck) hunting with Dick Cheney. Any takers?


Friday, November 12, 2010

Nov.12, 2010 – Friday Funny - Computer Issues

This week's FRIDAY FUNNY comes from a Jabberwocker in Florida. It seems they have some unique computer problems in the Sunshine State. Technical Support,: "How can I help you?

FEMALE CALLER: 'Last night my computer started making a lot of hissing noises at me so I shut it down. This morning when I turned it on the computer started hissing and cracking, then started smoking and a bad smell, then nothing'.

TECH SUPPORT: I will have a technician come over first thing this morning. Leave the computer just like it is, so they can find the problem and fix it, or change it out with another computer.

When the technician got there, the lady showed him where the computer was, this is what the technician found wrong.

And you thought YOU had computer problems!!!

Caller : Hi, our printer is not working.
Customer Service: What is wrong with it?
: Mouse is jammed.
Customer Service
: Mouse? ... Printers don't have a mouse!!!

Caller: Mmmmm??.. Oh really? ... I will send a picture.


Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Nov. 8, 2010 – PPM – Can You Hear Me Now?

This week's PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) is derived from last week's elections.

The country as a whole spoke loud and clear. The masses did not like the liberal Obama agenda. Over 60 house seats were flipped. The Republicans gained 6 senator seats, and countless local and state government's changed party control.

However to listen to President Obama last Wednesday and again on 60 Minutes on Sunday, he wrote off the election results to a "Communication" problem. The only communication problem was that HE DIDN'T GET IT.

But, Obama was not alone. Nancy Pelosi wants to stay in charge of the now, minority House delegation. She stated that they just didn't run on their accomplishments enough.

OMG, WTF, ROTFLMAO. Sorry, those are the only internet slang terms I've heard. However if you want to go old school, they better wise up ASAP.

How arrogant or stupid are these politicians?

Maybe we need a text vote like American Idol or Dancing with The Stars to send the message. Can they continue to dismiss the polls that detail the unhappiness with the larger government involvement, the unbelievable deficit, and Obamacare?

I hope that the next two years are not grid lock. I would hope that the Obama administration and Congress as a whole would tack to the right a bit and listen to the populace.


I'm not sure how the election results can be misconstrued or misinterpreted. Then again, I never understood how the Designated Hitter in Baseball was allowed to continue beyond the May 1, 1973.


Saturday, November 06, 2010

Nov. 5, 2010 – Friday Funny – The House Guest That Won’t Leave

This week's FRIDAY FUNNY was inspired by Nancy Pelosi.

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced on Friday that she plans to run for the House MINORITY Leader post when the new Congress reconvenes in January.

It's only appropriate that she lead this post since she helped to create it. On Tuesday, voters elected 60 new Republicans to the house, the largest pick-up since 1948 or since Tom Arnold met Rosanne Barr in that Iowa bar.

The latest chapter in the Nancy Pelosi saga is reminiscent of when I broke up with this girl who was living with me in California in 1991. She says to me when she is moving her stuff out of my house, "You'll never find anyone like me again." My final words as I shut of the door on her departure, "Well, I should hope not! If I don't want you, why would I want someone like you?" She never really got my humor, my sarcasm, and thankfully 50% of my stuff.

Pelosi wanting to stay around and in the public eye is the best thing for the Republicans.

If Harry Truman was still President, he would say, "The Puck Stops Here!!!"

Yes, Mrs. Pelosi, here is your new desk. It's right there. No, keep walking, keep walking, keep walking, yes, there you are, right there IN THE BACK. Enjoy!!!
