Friday, November 12, 2010

Nov.12, 2010 – Friday Funny - Computer Issues

This week's FRIDAY FUNNY comes from a Jabberwocker in Florida. It seems they have some unique computer problems in the Sunshine State. Technical Support,: "How can I help you?

FEMALE CALLER: 'Last night my computer started making a lot of hissing noises at me so I shut it down. This morning when I turned it on the computer started hissing and cracking, then started smoking and a bad smell, then nothing'.

TECH SUPPORT: I will have a technician come over first thing this morning. Leave the computer just like it is, so they can find the problem and fix it, or change it out with another computer.

When the technician got there, the lady showed him where the computer was, this is what the technician found wrong.

And you thought YOU had computer problems!!!

Caller : Hi, our printer is not working.
Customer Service: What is wrong with it?
: Mouse is jammed.
Customer Service
: Mouse? ... Printers don't have a mouse!!!

Caller: Mmmmm??.. Oh really? ... I will send a picture.



At November 12, 2010 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snakes - I hate snakes.


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