Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 26, 2012 - PPM - Miss Conception

This week's PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) is about the media's promotion of the Contraceptive Issue.

The problem is that the MEDIA is MAKING Contraceptives an issue. In reality, the REAL issue is about government intrusion in our lives, religious freedom, and liberal agendas.

The US Supreme Court is hearing arguments about the constitutionality of the overall Obama-care this week. The birth control issue is a small piece of the larger picture.

My REAL PEEVE is that contraception is really a "bait and switch" issue. It is only meant to distract and confuse people. The real issue should be the economy, unemployment and gas prices. Instead, the pols, Dems, and Main Stream Media (MSM) want you to focus on contraceptives. They want to use it a divisive wedge: the GOP NOW hates women, as well as old people and blacks.

Obama tried to distract people by saying a few weeks ago that "we" had reached an accommodation by moving the cost of the contraceptive from employee to employer. But IT IS NOT ABOUT COST AND WHO PAYS.

It's about government infringement on individual rights and religious freedom.

Finally, it was transparent and disingenuous that the Dems would trot out a 30 year old law student and activist to present their case. Sure, Rush Limbaugh went overboard with his name-calling, but the facts remain. It goes against the very reason our Founders came to this country: Religious Freedom.

At the end of the day, 71% of voters are against Obama-care. The actual costs are now double the original estimates. If it is upheld by the SCOTUS, the Dems will face an incredible backlash come November.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Friday, March 23, 2012

March 23, 2012 - Friday Funny - Divine Inter-Dent-ion

This week's FRIDAY FUNNY was sent to me from an old work associate.

They know my unique sense of irony, especially when it comes to the "invisible man in the sky."

You could actually come up with your own caption for the below picture. My first thought was: Divine InterDENTion.


March 22, 2012 - Blog Hiatus

I've receive some inquires about my lack of blog entries this month.

Q. Did you give up blogging for Lent?

A. No, I gave up organized religion for Lent .... in 1986.

Q. Were you on vacation?

A. No, but I have been sequestered in a secret location?

Q. Was it a technology breakdown?

A. Not exactly, but I did get the new iPAD this week.

Bottom line, the weather has been unbelievable and I've been dormant on the inside and active on the outside. No worries, I have three PET PEEVE MONDAYS (PPMs) already drafted and ready to go.

I'm back, but then again, I was never away.

- Posted using BlogPress from the NEW iPad (not the 3 or the HD one)

Friday, March 02, 2012

March 2, 2012 - Friday Funny - No Surf For You

This week's FRIDAY FUNNY is about the lost art of "Body Surfing."

I remember seeing the crowd part like Moses and the Red Sea and allow someone to body slam, belly first onto a dance floor in a SF bar in the 1990's. Unfortunately, this was before social media and camera phones.

I've never tried this "sport." However if the Vatican doesn't get back with me soon about my desire to drive the "Pope-mobile", I may have to make some changes to my Bucket List.
