June 29, 2010- PPM - American Soccer
This week's PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) is US Soccer. What is the deal?
For 30 years, American youth have been diverted from baseball, basketball, and (American) football toward soccer. And what have been the results?
The US World Cup entry tied Slovenia 2-2. Slovenia has the same population as greater Cincinnati.
You would think with 13 million illegal aliens that we could find 11 that could play soccer. We offer immediate citizenship to any Cuban that can throw a baseball 97 mph. Why can't we provide the same perk to a "visiting" soccer stud?
I have never let any of my 4 children play soccer. It was the only clause in my pre-nup agreement. I didn't care about the money or the division of assets, I just said that should we ever have children, they will NOT under any circumstance PLAY SOCCER.
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