Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22, 2010 - The Vacation Continues...

OK – Spring Break went a little longer than usual this year. The funny thing is that it is still not over.

I’m off to golf in Myrtle Beach till next Tuesday.



Tuesday, April 06, 2010

April 6, 2010 - I Hate Duke

I had a great opportunity to attend the Final Four this past weekend. I went over to Indianapolis and saw the semi-finals games. I didn’t have a dog in the fight as my brackets were busted like the bail jumpers on "Dog Bounty Hunter."

The first game was outstanding with Butler outlasting Michigan State by 2 points. The only drawback was an annoying woman sitting behind me constantly talking on her cell phone. I was soon to learn that was a mild wave to the pending tsunami of her rudeness.

The second game featured West Virginia and Duke. Once game #2 started, I learned I was in for a torture that would make water boarding seem like a quick stop at the drinking fountain. Apparently she was a “Dukie.” She had a “nails on a chalkboard”, ear piecing squeal / scream. She would do it non-stop, except when she would attempt a witty remark about West Virginia’s dental plan or their family lineage.

She let everyone know that she had graduated from Duke with honors, however none of her courses could have been in etiquette or class. She even cheered when the star West Virginia player went down with a torn ACL. Nice.

It is OK to root for your team, but not at the expense or enjoyment of those around you. By the end of the game, she had emptied all of the seats around her because of her incessant, obnoxious, and rude behavior.

I’ve always admired Duke’s coach. He is a class act in how he treats his players. Coach K always has top graduation rates. It is unfortunate that the Duke fans haven’t learned from his example.

I had seen the news stories about “Duke Haters.” I got to see first hand why this is a growing demographic. Going forward, I will be a card carrying member of the local chapter of “Duke Haters”.

And yes, I know Duke won the championship on Monday night. I woke up in the middle of the night with that woman's familiar screaming in my head. But alas, it was only the local tornado warning sirens. What a relief!!!

Sunday, April 04, 2010

April 4, 2010 - An Easter Education

I educated my children today about the Obama Easter EGG-onomic redistribution plan.

After the annual Easter egg hunt and immediately took half of all the eggs they collected and gave them to a bunch of kids that were too tired or too lazy to participate in the hunt.

I even gave some eggs to people that had attended the function uninvited.

They were basically illegal aliens.

Learning can be so much fun some times.

A happy child before the Egg Redistribution Plan was enacted.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

March 28, 2010 - Happy Anniversary

I started blogging 4 years ago on March 28, 2006. I figured it would be a short term "project" to clear out my mental in box.

Now, 4 years and over 550 posts later, I still have thoughts.

Some have suggested I compile my best blogs in a book. That's a project for someone else. However, I will sign the book when it is complete.

Some have suggested that I run for political office given my ability to identify complex issues and to recommend simple solutions. That will not happen as the skeletons would be marching out of my closet two by two.

I will continue to blog into a fifth year as it appears there is no end to the insanity of our government and our leaders (oxymoron).

Happy Anniversary - I'll return after Spring Break.