Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pet Peeve Summary

When I started the JAY’S JABBERWOCKY blog in March 2006, I viewed it as a way to keep in touch with friends, family, and former co-workers.

I had removed myself from the corporate world and decided to proverbially “Walk The Earth.”

I began to write or “blog” about things that interested me and sometimes bothered me. Being retired, I no longer had a “master” to ask me to tone down my rhetoric or opinion.

I was now able to speak out about the injustices of the world. Borne of this opportunity was the PET PEEVE MONDAY.

I describe a normal daily occurrence or a current event that just bugs me. I detail it, why it troubles me, and why it should trouble you. Some times, I even have a solution for it. In less than 3 years I’ve been able to identify 100 PET PEEVES.

Many people comment that they enjoy and commiserate with my PET PEEVE MONDAYS.

I won’t go back and number the PET PEEVES, but I have provided an annual summary at the right.

In 2008, I began submitting certain topical PEEVES to the local paper. As it turns out, MY PEEVES, are OTHERS’ PEEVES as well.



At January 20, 2009 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What only 100 peeves?


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