Wednesday, April 01, 2009

March 31, 2009 - Year 4 Begins

This week marks the 3-year anniversary of Jay’s Jabberwocky. My first post was on March 28, 2006.

Between then and now there have been 450 posts and countless comments.

In January, I was asked to provide a blog for the local paper. It is called Jay’s Jabberwocky-Lite. It is catered more toward local issues. It has had several comments from non-Jabberwockers that do not have their computer screen set for a sarcasm resolution.

Stay tuned for some new topics in Year 4. I hear that Star Jones is on Oprah today. That is what I call a target rich environment …. for blog material.


At April 01, 2009 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to you "raising the bar" a little more your senior year. As a freshmen we expected a few mistakes, (and you did not disappoint us), the typical sophmore slump is well documented, your junior year embarrased many readers, so we are excited about your senior season! Good luck Jay!

Mike L.

At April 02, 2009 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike...Don't get your hopes up. I hear he is a big fan of the 5 year plan.


At April 03, 2009 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing to do with this post but do you cover anything which involves Anderson Township?
Like the 6.9 mill school tax levy the school board simply cannot do without?
Have you seen a listing of the salaries of the folks who work for the Forest Hills School district?
Like $79,000 for a third grade teacher,for 9 months work. $80,000 for the middle school athletic director. Why not do some research and provide a post?

At April 03, 2009 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And then do a follow up on the amount of money earned by corporate execs. Hundreds of thousands of dollars 'earned' by fast talkers who were deftly able to convice drunkards to spend other people's money. Ahem...can I get this ticket upgraded??

Congressman L.

At April 05, 2009 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI on education compensation.... Public Education Employees teach less than 8 months out of the year if you take into account Holidays, Breaks, Weather Related Cancellations, Vacation, Personal Days, and Professional Development. Their base salary is only one part of the equation. School Districts are required by law to pay 14% of their salary into the STRS system without having to contribute a single penny of their own and they don't pay into the Social Security system.

Thus, an $80K teacher is actually making nearly $215K annualized with no accountability, gauranteed raises, and no risk of unemployment due to lack of performance.


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