Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 12, 2009 - Not a Rocket Scientist - YET

There was a front-page story in today’s CINCINNATI ENQUIRER about a six-year-old Einstein.

I’m happy to see some positive news on page 1. The youth has been tested to an IQ of 176. The paper mentions a chief accomplishment of this young lad is that he was able to recite the Presidents in order at age six.

I have personal knowledge and video evidence of another Cincinnati child accomplishing this same task at age 5.

Any one can memorize the order of the Presidents. But try to name Presidents in random order while dressed as a Super Hero.

This is an entertaining video of a five year old, dressed as Spiderman, being grilled in rapid fire about the Presidents.



At March 17, 2009 7:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you teach him Obama yet?


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