Monday, January 08, 2007

January 8 - Pet Peeve Monday - Toys R Us

It’s time for PET PEEVE MONDAY to return. I took off a few Mondays for the Holidays, but I’m back, and I’m PEEVED.

You can now add Toys R Us to the list of places that I will now Boycott.

Toys R Us traditionally gives $25,000 to the first-born American each January 1.

This year, they came under fire for denying a Chinese-American infant a $25,000 prize because her mother was an illegal alien.

Although promotional materials called for "all expectant New Year's mothers" to apply, the eligibility rules required babies' mothers to be legal residents.

However, Toys R Us reversed its decision after Chinese-American advocates protested.

I guess the eligibility rules were not really rules after all. Maybe, Toys R Us will have another contest on February 18, 2007 when the actual Chinese New Year starts.

The company said Saturday evening it would award each of the three babies in the grand prize pool of the "First Baby of the Year Sweepstakes" a $25,000 savings bond. It turns out, only one of the three babies was born to legal US residents. A small statistical sampling, but a sign of the times.

This is Political Correctness gone mad AGAIN.

I say, fine, give them the money if you want, but put the mother on the next slow boat, … to where, … wait for it, … wait for it, … CHINA.

I’m all for LEGAL IMMIGRATION. Our country was founded on the principle.

I’m not for lawbreakers. I previously blogged about Illegal Immigration and my solution on May 1. 2006.

"We love all babies," the company said in a written statement Saturday. NO, they love ALL CONSUMERS. Well count me OUT as a Toys R Us customer.

I guess the baby is much like most of the Toys R Us products and American Flags (see below picture), they are MADE IN CHINA.



At January 11, 2007 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you won't eat at places thtaa smoke and you won't shop at Toys R Us. Do you stay home a lot?

At January 16, 2007 6:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My youngest duaghter recieved a Christmas gift from her Aunt in California bought at Toy R Us. Unfortunately, her Aunt bought a Game Boy instead of the Nintendo DS she requested. When we took the item back to Toy R Us they refused to take item back without proof of purchase and suggested we return it to Walmart. Walmart scanned the serial number on the Game Boy and from it purchased at Toys R US on 12/19/06 at Arden Fair California store. When we contacted Toys R Us they still refused to take back item for gift card and additional $50 for the other game! We were told by several employees that the President of Toys R Us made this policy and there were no exceptions. My wife has written I letter to the president of Toys R Us along with several e-mails and have not recieved a response. Thankfully, Walmart saw an opportunity for an additional sale and gave my duaghter a store credit, but is an other reason to boycott Toy R Us. With management decisions like these Toys R Us will be back in bankruptcy courts shortly or better yet out of business.


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