Thursday, December 28, 2006

December 29 - Friday Funny - Next?

My Grandma always said that FAMOUS PEOPLE DIE IN SETS OF THREES.

This week we have lost Former President Gerard Ford and James Brown.

Here is the list of the candidates that might complete the death triumvirate in the next two weeks.

1. Saddam Hussein – OK, that’s a lay-up.

2. Billy Graham – He does have a prayer.

3. Kevin Federline – Oops, my bad, I did say famous.

4. Fidel Castro – He looks like he being animated by Walt Disney.

5. Rosie O’Donnell – She shouldn’t have pissed off Donald Trump. When was the last time anyone saw Omarosa?

6. Ashton Kucher – Bruce Willis is going to extremely PUNK this guy.

7. Someone in the movie Jackass 2 - It’s inevitable. Like people were shocked when the Crocodile Hunter checked out of the life hotel a bit early.

8. Ruby Muhammed – She was born on March 20, 1897, which makes her 109.

9. Zsa Zsa Gabor – She is 89. Her career died 40 years ago.

10. I.M. Pei – The famed architect is 89. His friend, Seymour Hiney, died when I was a kid.

11. Andy Rooney – He is 87. You ever wonder …..

Please feel free to add your prediction to the list.


At January 02, 2007 11:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice call on Saddam. You should have also picked his half-brother.

At February 09, 2007 6:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should have said Zsa Zsa's husband. He's got soem explaining to do.


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