Saturday, August 26, 2006

August 25 - Friday Funny - Mt. Rushmore

Some people read my blogs and think I’m a Republican. Others read my stances on immigration and gun control and think I’m a Libertarian. Others can’t read, and I think University of Michigan student.

In the course of home schooling this summer, I taught my children about the Presidents and national monuments, like Mount Rushmore.

To illustrate that I don’t always make fun of Democrats like Bill and Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, etc., here is a joke about the current Commander in mis-Chief.

George Bush decided to visit Mount Rushmore.

He was feeling a bit down, so as he stood in front of the memorial, he looked up at George Washington and said, "George .... what should I do?"

George Washington looked down at George W. Bush and said, "Tell the truth."

GW Bush looked over to Thomas Jefferson and said, "Thomas ...... what do you think I should do?"

Thomas Jefferson said, "Be fair."

GW Bush then looked to Theodore Roosevelt and said, "Teddy ..... what should I do?"

Theodore Roosevelt replied, "Give 'em hell!!"

Lastly, George Dubya looked up at Abraham Lincoln and said, "Abe ..... what advice can you give me?"

Abraham Lincoln looked down at GW Bush, paused slightly, and said, "Go to the theater!"


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