Tuesday, June 06, 2006

June 6 - Aw, Nuts!!! (or lack there of)

US Airways announces that they have stopped serving peanuts because of concerns about passengers who are allergic to the snacks. (Peanuts bumped from US Airways flights, USA Today, June 5, 2006) Do they really think the traveling public is that stupid?

Tell us the real reason. The CEO wants to make his millions and save a few dollars on the bottom line by eliminating a minor “luxury”. Stop insulting our collective intelligence with this lame message about protecting us from ourselves.

People that shouldn’t eat peanuts will get their supply somewhere. It could be in a baseball park, the circus, or in a seedy back alley of a large city. Remember, Prohibition in the 1920’s never worked.

US Airways bring back my peanuts! If people that are allergic to peanuts still eat them, I say fine. Let Darwin work his magic. It should free up some space and provide me an aisle seat on my next flight.


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