Wednesday, November 01, 2006

November 1 - Where Are They Now? Wednesday - John Kerry

Originally, this week’s WHERE ARE THEY NOW? WEDNESDAY was not going to be about John Kerry. I had previously blogged about Mr. Kerry on June 2 as a FRIDAY FUNNY.

I was going to use my WHERE ARE THEY NOW? WEDNESDAY to catch up on the cast of the TV show NEWSRADIO.

I’ll publish that blog on a future Wednesday.

No one can find John Kerry today. Kerry was to appear today at Democratic rallies in Iowa, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. He was asked to not appear by the candidates in those states.

This issue got started when Kerry tried to make a joke about Bush and ended up insulting everyone who had ever worn or currently wears a uniform, along with their family and friends. Not a good demographic to alienate, Mr. Kerry.

What Kerry said Monday at a campaign rally was this: "You know, education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

What exacerbated the issue was Kerry’s total refusal to apologize. This elitist and his ilk deserve to lose. Kerry probably also cemented his 2008 political future. Hillary must be doing cartwheels or at least somersaults. Another competitor is out of the 2008 race.

Kerry still doesn’t get it. His stubbornness or lack of a connection to the “American People” is on display for all to see. I always love it when a politician says, “The American People want to know….” They have no connection to the American People.

I speak for all the Americans, I know, when I say, “SHUT UP and pass some Immigration Reform, Social Security Reform, or how about Campaign Finance Reform?” Get that done and then check back with me. I’ll contact some more American People and I’ll draw up another list. There is plenty to do.

As for John Kerry he was probably for an apology, before he was against it.

Here is a picture from 2004 of Kerry trying to be a regular American, now that’s funny!!!

Better yet is the joint picture of Bill Clinton and John Kerry with their respective constituents.

So WHERE IS JOHN KERRY NOW? He is probably wind surfing near one of his seven homes. Well I’m sure he’ll poke his head out at some point. He needs to get his allowance from Mrs. Heinz. However, he will forever be known as the Junior Senator from Massachusetts with Teddy Kennedy as his mentor.

The below picture is of a man that wears make-up, pretends to be someone he is not, and attempts to make us laugh. The other guy in the picture is a clown.


At November 02, 2006 5:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great commments and great pictures.

I can't imagine a Kerry Whitehouse.

At November 02, 2006 5:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the clown photo.

At November 02, 2006 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you look closely at the picture, the clown really appears to be uncomfortable.

At November 07, 2006 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate john kerry, he needs to go off into the woods and die. Like the Indians would when it was their time to go


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