Monday, June 08, 2015

June 8, 2015 - PPM - Gender Politics

Here's my PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) - Gender Politics

As we head into this election season, can't we just elect the best PERSON?

Already, Hillary Clinton is playing the GENDER CARD.  She is emphasizing that it would be historic to elect a WOMAN.

Let me remind you:

What  peeves me more is how two women candidates, one Democrat, the other Republican are handled by what should be the most non-biased media of the political spectrum, the Associated Press:

Hillary played the victim card in her New York Senatorial  election in 2000 against Rick Lazio. She will pull out that playbook again in 2016 when she feels "threatened" by a stronger, probably male candidate.

There is a 40-42% of the electorate that will support Hillary even though emails will indicate she is a fraud, corrupt, and complicit in the Benghazi tragedy.  The only hope is not enough, uninformed voters will vote like they did in 2012 because of an entitlement promise like Obamacare or an Obama-phone.



At June 25, 2015 8:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Associated Press has become another liberal, main-stream media outlet. Very Sad.


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