Wednesday, November 05, 2008

November 5, 2008 - Election Epilogue

In advance of this election season, I read two books about Barack Obama.

The first book, authored by Obama, and was titled, “The Audacity of Hope.” A great title, but a thinly veiled policy tome. Almost a work of fiction

The second book, “Obama Nation,” was penned by Jerome Corsi. It became a source of talking points used by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. It would have been easily dismissed except, Obama never held a press conference to address any of the allegations within the book. Many of the book’s facts were validated by the press, but were never fully investigated.

My epilogue of the election is as follows.

What we saw was a great “Campaign.” It had slick marketing, catchy tag lines (Yes We Can!!!), and pseudo Presidential seals. They eliminated anyone playing the race card by dealing it themselves.

The mainstream media endorsed the Obama run and that advantage could not be overcome.

Last night, people were trying to invoke a popular Martin Luther King, Jr. quote to explain Obama’s election.

It came from MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech from August 1963:

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

The REALISTIC issue is that Obama WAS elected because of the color of his skin and NOT by his character. How can you explain that 95% of African Americans supported Obama?

If 95% of the whites had voted for McCain, Obama would have lost. All of the McCain supporters would have been labeled Racists. The riots that would have resulted would have made the Rodney King outbursts look like a Birthday Party at Chucky Cheese.

The numbers validate the thesis that Obama was JUDGED by the color of his skin by at least one voting faction.

I believe Obama did not win because of his ideas but because:

- He had a better campaign organization

- He was able to register MANY people that have never voted before. Even Oprah endorsed their active recruitment of crack heads. (see video)

- He was able to exploit early voting laws and possibly introduce voter fraud in order to further his candidacy.

- He successfully (but incorrectly) linked John McCain to George W. Bush. I’ll blog about the misrepresentation of Bush’s record in a separate blog.

In retrospect, it is amazing how close McCain made the race given the playing field.

I'm only highlighting the irony with the parallels being drawn between MLK and Obama. I'm not a RACIST but a REALIST.




At November 06, 2008 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope Oprah's fans will all see the video. How sad.

At November 07, 2008 7:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder how long Barack will blame EVERYTHING on Bush.

At November 07, 2008 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree about the voting stats. People just don't want to say it. My husband works with a woman who is African-American and when he asked her some questions about where Obama stands on some issues, she said she didn't know and voted for him because he was African-American. I think it's sad that people in this country voted based on race, and not on the polciies of their candidate. If they really looked into Obama, they probably wounldn't have voted for him!

At November 07, 2008 7:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jay!! I finally found your blog! I completely agree with you and wish I had seen this before for purely purge and relief from the minute by minute tyrades of the media. ARRGHH. It was excrutiating! However, I am now sadly resigned to an ObamaNation, complete with all the raping and pillaging of the employers, health care professionals and innovators.The only positive I can see right now is that at least McCain won't have to take the blame for the (democratic)Housing debacle/Economic downfall. I didn't know you were in the sign business; we could've use one...We had three taken! Lovely people, those Obama supporters. So peaceful and respectful. I'm still getting text messages from Jack's Bait shop bar or whatever that place was in Fl...all for a free beer! (Sorry: flight of ideas)


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