Monday, August 07, 2017

Aug. 7, 2017 - PPM - The Book Thieves

This week's PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) is about Hillary Clinton's new book about the 2016 election: "What Happened".

We all know how her last book, "Hard Choices" performed.

Clinton's book sales didn't even cover half of the $14 million advance that Hillary was paid. 

Some could say, that the book publisher, Simon & Schuster, may have actually made a campaign contribution to her.  Either that or they are really bad at selling books.  Which is scary, given they have one job: SELL BOOKS.

Now, Hillary Clinton is writing another book about the 2016 election called: "What Happened".  Who knows how much the advance will be, but critics are already panning the book.  When you are a liberal and have lost the liberal critics, you have no where to go but down.

I can save you time and money.  I don't mean to spoil the ending, but.....

Here is my PEEVE.  These book deals are nothing more than scams to line the pockets of politicians.  BOTH sides do it, yet it goes undressed.  

I know it is a free market, but stockholders of the publishers and Americans for a free and fair democracy should be upset. Or in my case, PEEVED.

Just Saying.



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