Thursday, October 04, 2012

Oct. 3, 2012 - Why Debate?

The first Presidential debate for 2012 was held tonight. I've always thought that debates should not be an indicator of a politician's ability to lead. I don't need someone that is quick on their feet. I need someone that gives real thought in their decision process.

Imagine in a time of war. Do you want a quick response, or a well thought out response?

I let my children stay up late and watch the Debate. As part of their Civics Lesson, we played Obama Debate Bingo. It was a quick game.

By all accounts, even MSNBC, Romney won the debate.

I may have to adjust the value a assess to debates. Obama clearly was not and is not ready to lead.

In Romney's closing statement he should have said "If elected, I will work every day to make this a better country for every American. I will never pit one group of Americans against another group based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or ECONOMIC STANDING. Finally, I will never, ever, blame anyone else for the conditions I have inherited."

It was enlightening to see how someone performs without a TelePrompTer.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


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