Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 28, 2012 - PPM - Spelling Bees

This week, we are "celebrating" the 87th Annual National Spelling Bee.

My PET PEEVE is why do we still have speeling bees. With the emergence of technology, we now have spell check and auto correct functions. If you ever see a text message from anyone born after 1990, they can't spell anyway.

Now, because we have 500 TV channels to choose from, the National Spellnig Bee is televised on the ESPN network. Really? Aren't there more Kardashians that we can watch?

"Tiger Moms" are making their children practice spelllong 4 hours a day. For what? Only the winner of the Bee receives a scholarship. No one has ever been hired because they were a good speller. When I was hiring people and reviewing resumes, I only wish I would have come across an prospective hire that had "Spellin Champion" on their resume.

I would have offered them a job if they could spelll "their." When they would respond "t-h-e-r-e". I would "oops, sorry, maybe you should have studied "interviewing techniques and tactics" instead of speeeling.

In order to retain my amateur journalism credentials, I must offer full disclosure. I was the second grade spelling champion for St. Nicholas grade school in 1969. I don't remember advancing to a county or state-wide competition. I do recall that I was allowed to advance to the the third grade, and the rest is just history.

Bottom line, let's teach our children what is important in life. i would like to see a "Personal Finance Bee". You could not spend more than you earn in order to advance in the competition.

Unfortunately, the winner of the Finance Bee could not visit the White House, as the President would be ineligible to participate.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad



At June 05, 2012 8:25 PM, Blogger J. Jay said...

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