Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jan. 19, 2011- Loser of the Week – Little Ronnie Reagan

This week's Loser of the Week is Ron Reagan.

No, not the 40th President, but his unappreciative prodigal son.

Ron Junior is coming out will a book, "My Father at 100: An intimate look at Reagan."

In his attempt to sell books he announces that he thinks his father has Alzheimer's three years into his first term.

Mind you, Ron Junior, has no clinical training.

I once saw Junior when he was performing with the Joffrey Ballet back in the 1980's. I thought he was a very talented dancer, but what did I know. I thought Xanudu would withstand the test of time.

The point is that I was not qualified to assess Junior's dancing capabilities because I had no formal training or education in the field of dance.

As such, Junior should leave his medical diagnosis to the medical professionals.

If Junior wants to sell books, I would he start with a "pop-up" or children's book. I believe that might be stretching his capabilities to the limit.

I would suggest if he has issues with his Mommy or Daddy that Junior see a therapist.

It's well documented that he became a Democrat to spite his family. Now he is trying to denigrate a true American Hero.

How sad.
Ron "Junior" Reagan, you are my Loser of the Week.



At January 20, 2011 2:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like a real deviant...

At January 20, 2011 6:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At some point, all kids decide their parents have brain dysfunction. Congrats to Little Ronnie for discovering "the generation gap". Loser.

At January 20, 2011 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He was on the Colbert Report today hawking his book. WHAT A LOSER.


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