Monday, October 08, 2007

October 8 - Pet Peeve Monday - High School Rodeo

This week’s PET PEEVE MONDAY concerns High School Sports.

When I was in High School we had the standard sports of Baseball, Football, Basketball, Track, and Cross Country. Some “elite” High Schools had swimming. Some remedial schools in my hometown had a Swimming team, yet did not have a pool. Optimistic, but sad.

My PEEVE concerns some of the “new” activities that have been sanctioned as High School Sports.

It started with Soccer in the mid 80’s. This is truly a Communist Sport. This sport gave so many people a false hope. The real PEEVE is how the parents act at their young children’s soccer games. Does anyone think that a “Soccer Mom” is a positive reference?

Then came High School Golf. I don’t know of any Little League Golf Leagues. And you thought swimming was an elite sport.

Next was High School Bowling. Come on, Bowling is NOT a sport. Would you call Bowlers athletes? What is their training routine? Donuts and Big Gulps?

The last straw was when I read that some High Schools in Ohio were sanctioning RODEO as a High School Sport. Rodeo? Really?

I know football has a water boy, basketball has a ball boy, baseball has the bat boy, but what is the rodeo boy called? Cow chipper? Bull boy? Or is he just the Rodeo Clown apprentice? There is a career path for you.

When will this madness stop? Are we on our way to a High School Badminton team?

As we slowly slip into this Spiraling Vortex of Doom, it is only a matter of time before we progress to the High School Halo 4 Traveling Team.



At October 09, 2007 9:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you can ride anything for 8 seconds, you are my hero.

At October 13, 2007 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the High School Rifle Team? They seem to be very active.

At October 23, 2007 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Halo 4 out yet?


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