Monday, June 04, 2007

June 4 - Pet Peeve Monday - Mexico City Morons

This week’s PET PEEVE MONDAY is sorta about Immigration again. It’s about last week’s Miss Universe Pageant.

The competition was held in Mexico City. When Miss USA was introduced, the native audience boo-ed her unmercifully. Now, I’m not sure if Miss USA is bi-lingual, I’m not even sure if she is monolingual, but I’m sure she understood the Spanish speaking “Boo.”

I’m wondering why they would Boo a defenseless, strapless, clueless American.

Was it?

A. Because the US has decided to tighten the borders with a 700 mile fence, and they are on the wrong side?

B. Because the Mexican Audience members were naturally unhappy that the Guatemalans and Nicaraguans were sneaking into their country to do the jobs that they wouldn’t do?

C. Because we Ugly Americans had cancelled the George Lopez Show?

I’m not sure of why and frankly I don’t care.

My PET PEEVE is that even the most insignificant of things (i.e. Miss Universe Pageant) has become a reason to exhibit Anti-American rants.

Here is my solution. You don’t like the US, you don’t get to watch our TV programs.

Hey France, no more Jerry Lewis.
Yo Germany, no more David Hassselhoff.
Attention you there in Poland, the brightness key on the remote doesn’t mean what you think it does.

I’m also PEEVED that MEXICANS continue to protest OUR Immigration policies.


My House, My Rules.

If you don’t like it, leave, or better yet, don’t come at all.



At June 06, 2007 10:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reform will never happen.

At June 09, 2007 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With comments like that - who is going to mow your grass?


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