Thursday, June 21, 2007

June 18 - Pet Peeve Monday - Morning Shower

This week’s PET PEEVE MONDAY comes with a solution.

As summer break started, I began to get more and more untimely interruptions from my kids. They would always occur during what I considered “My Sanctuary", my morning shower.

I would get questions like:

“Can you get me some breakfast?”

Answer: “No, I’m IN THE SHOWER.”

“Have you seen my bullfrog, webkin?”

Answer: “Nope, It’s not here IN THE SHOWER.”

“What’s the air flight velocity of an unladen swallow?”

Answer: “I’M IN THE SHOWER!!!”

Showers should be a safe haven. Diplomatic immunity. No questions, NO TALKING.

To solve this PET PEEVE, I posted the following sign on my Shower Door.

The sign has taught the younger children the gift of reading. It has restored order to the morning shower.

Since I placed the sign, I have not received one inquiry, one comment, or one interruption from my kids.

My wife would like for me to amend the sign to say Mom OR Dad. She asked me this WHEN I WAS IN THE SHOWER. I can not print my response.

Look for more signs to be placed around the house and community in the near future. I only wish it was this easy. Case in point is one of my first Pet Peeves in April 2006, People that don’t stop at STOP SIGNS.



At June 22, 2007 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

African or European swallow?

At June 22, 2007 7:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a No Running with Scissors sign

At June 22, 2007 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a "No interrupting me when I'm on the phone" sign? Because I have to talk on the phone at work a lot, I don't like to talk on the phone at home. You won't engage me in phone conversation that lasts longer than 10 minutes! But what is it about when I'm on the phone that my children feel the urge to ask for a glass of milk (you're 9, get it yourself) or show me a bug (yuck) or ask what's for dinner (chicken, again)?!


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