Monday, April 30, 2007

April 27 - Loser of the Week - Sheryl Crow

This week’s LOSER OF THE WEEK was a tough choice. So many LOSERS, only one can be chosen.

The easy choice was Rosie O’Donnell. She is a prime candidate EVERY week. Finally, she was let go by “The View.” However, with her NOT on TV every day, makes us the WINNERS OF THE YEAR.

A second nominee would have been George Tenet, ex-leader of the CIA. He wrote a tell-all book about life inside the CIA and White House. He could have been the LOSER. His book was slated for release this Monday, but it was leaked to the NY TIMES on Friday. Nice job, Mr. CIA.

This is a man that held the most secret of secrets for the greatest power in the world, yet he can’t protect his own book. I’m sorry, but there was a reason you were fired Mr. Tenet. You are an INCOMPETENT LOSER.

However, the LOSER OF THE WEEK is Sheryl Crow.

Ms. Crow decided to inject herself into the national spotlight this past week with the same energy as the Dixie Chicks.

First, Sheryl and her gal pal, global warming activist Laurie David, tried to ambush Karl Rove last weekend. Mr. Rove showed restraint when confronted by Davis and Crow at what was supposed to be a non-political dinner. The timing and tactics by David and Crow were wrong. The only people to comment and report on it were the usual suspects.

Second, Sheryl came out with her solution to Global Warming. She stated we should only use one square of toilet paper per bathroom use. No scientist, to their credit, has attempted to calculate what savings this could achieve. It is probably not worth the effort.

Why not propose that we also us the restroom in the dark? Wouldn’t that save the planet as well? Why not eliminate urinals and just let us go on trees? Or never mind, we do that. It’s called golf courses.

I finally figured out why Lance Armstrong broke up with Sheryl Crow. It was her poor personal hygiene.

Sheryl, you are NOT a LOSER because of your obtuse environmental beliefs. You are a LOSER because of the personal impact to me.

You see, Ms. Crow was on MY LIST. The LIST idea was created based upon the Friends TV series, Season 3, Episode 5.

Friends’ character, Ross was permitted a list of women he could “talk” to without his girlfriend getting upset.

Ross's "Freebie List" included: Uma Thurman, Winona Ryder, Elizabeth Hurley, Michelle Pfeiffer, Dorothy Hamill.

My LIST included Sheryl Crow until this past week.

By her actions and comments, Ms. Crow has been removed from MY LIST. This makes Sheryl Crow the LOSER OF THE WEEK by no longer being on MY LIST.

For the record, MY LIST now consists of:

Elizabeth Hurley
Paula Zahn
Gillian Anderson
Jennifer Connelly
Ann Coulter
(replacing Sheryl Crow)

I’m not sure if that says a lot about my maturity or politics. However, Ann Coulter (on the far right), welcome to MY LIST.



At April 30, 2007 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear J. Jay, anyone who pisses off Rove earns my respect. He's funny as a talking warthog.

Timing Wrong? Environmental issues need to be a top priority for every media outlet, especially at the eve of the EARTH DAY!!! Karl Rove works for US, and his paycheck (He earns $165,200) comes from OUR taxes. The least he should do is listen politely to two HUGE taxpayers, whether he agrees with them or not. Rudeness to the public is NEVER tolerated; in fact it is the quickest path to a pink slip in civil service, no second chances. An outburst like Rove's would get any other government employee fired.

Crow and David showed guts by confronting the chief puppetmaster... but Rove? Ah ah ah...

Rove is a loser and a pussy:

"ohhh, help me, Sheryl Crow has touched me!!!!".

What a man! I'm impressed, seriously. Well, give him a break, after all, he's "the brain of the monkey", a very unpleasant job ;)

ah poor country...

At May 01, 2007 8:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude - no one is under 35 on your list.

At May 01, 2007 10:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear Gillian Anderson is free these days.


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