Tuesday, July 08, 2014

July 8, 2014 - World Cup Shocker

Que se pass-t-il?

That is French for WTF?

I had been hoping to watch France vs. Brazil in the World Cup semifinal. I was camping over the weekend and was unable to get the quarterfinal game results. The Cincinnati Enquirer headline had France advancing. However, upon further review and REALITY, the paper got it wrong.

You can only image my shock and horror when it was GERMANY, not France, playing Brazil.  Brazil was even more shocked to face the Germans in the semis, as they lost 7-1.

This is why Soccer will never catch on in the U.S.  The above article, itself, was on page 2, not the front page and they declared the wrong winner.  It wasn't a late night game. It was played in the afternoon. Even more damning, no correction was offered in the paper or on it's website.

Bottom line, my World Cup bracket was busted. In stead of cheering France, I had to eat my croquet-monsieur and drink my vin rouge watching Dr. Oz.



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