Monday, May 05, 2014

May 5, 2014 - PPM - Teach to the Test

This week's PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) is Standardized Achievement Tests and how schools "teach to the test."

It is the time of the year that our children take the state standardize tests.  I have 3 kids in three different school districts. However the messages sent home to the parents by the school administrators are the same. 

Here is what they offered as “parental advice” in order to prepare our children to take the standardize tests:

1. Count Sheep and be sure to sleep
• Getting to sleep before 9:00 pm is best for a restful night of sleep

2. Comfy Clothes are crucial 
• Have your child lay out the clothes they are going to wear the night before, layers are always a good option to ensure comfort

3. Breakfast for the Brain
• Have your child eat a healthy breakfast filled with protein-eggs, cereal, oatmeal, etc.  Something is better than nothing, even if it's not breakfast food

4. Smooth Moving Morning
• Prepare as much as you can the night before
• Wake up with enough time to get everything done without a rush
• Be sure to make it to school on time

5. Send Some Positive Words their Way
• Boost up your child in the morning with words of confidence... "You will do great!" or "You are prepared and ready to go!"

I had been totally lost on how to get my kids ready for school for the past 20 years. Thanks for the insight and condescending tone.

Preparing your child for success in life is not about 2-3 days of tests a year.  It’s a daily challenge and journey.

Maybe SOME schools should focus on “Common Sense” and not Common Core.

This is the breakfast I provided my daughter for her test taking.  

She just might be finished in record time. 



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