Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014 - PPM - Intolerance, Intolerance

This week's PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) concerns the growing intolerance for differing opinions.

Every time ANYONE offers a contrasting opinion or challenges the policies of the President they are deemed a racist. If someone thinks that Hillary Clinton will not be a solid 2016 candidate, THEY ARE SEXIST.

After joining Facebook some years ago, some "friends" were stunned that I would offer a political opinion from time to time. They decided to "un-friend" me.


If you were REALLY my friend and WANTED to be my friend, you knew where I stood on obvious geo-political, economic, and human race issues. Just saying.

Your Intolerance is Intolerable.



At May 06, 2014 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is SO true. Progressives are only tolerant if you SHARE their views.

At May 20, 2014 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They talk about the War on Women yet they are so much worse.


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