Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nov. 25, 2013 - PPM - 86 or 95?

This week’s PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) is about the Quality of Life.

Because of the advancement of technology and extreme personal wealth, we have been able to extend the life of some people.

Two recent examples come to mind: Nelson Mandela and Reverend Billy Graham.

Each of these men had historical and remarkable lives. Each has been on “death’s doorstep” many times in the past year, yet each has been brought back from the brink.  In some cases, they have been kept “alive” unable to speak or communicate for up to 25 days?

One has to question, IS THIS LIFE?

I’m not advocating the premise of Logan’s Run.  A movie that promoted that all people should be exterminated or eliminated at the age of 30.  The magic number is not 30, but is it 95, the age of Nelson Mandela and Reverend Billy Graham?

At what age do you "86" a person?  86 means to bury someone, 6 feet under.

At some point, being “alive” and actually being alive, intersect.  A “Do Not Resuscitate” hasn’t come into play.  Soon, we will have the technology that everyone can become a Captain Pike.  Pike was the Star Trek Captain that was paralyzed, mute, badly scared, and dependent on a brainwave- operated wheelchair.  He was more robot than human.

My personal desire is to die sooner rather than later from any debilitating illness or disease.  I will always value what Abraham Lincoln said, “It’s not the years in the life, but the life in the years.”

That said, based upon my understanding of Lincoln, I will never attend the theater and sit the Presidential Box. 

All I ask, is that should my health deteriorate, please pull the plug.  Let me go.  But only after getting a second or possible third opinion. 

I AM a VERY sound sleeper.



At December 05, 2013 4:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mandela died today, should Graham be nervous?


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