August 18, 2008 - PPM - Tramp Stamps
This week’s PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) came to me while visiting a family friendly water park in Ligonier Pennsylvania.
I was stunned to see a number of TRAMP STAMPS on the backs on young mothers by the pool. A “Tramp Stamp” is a tattoo on the lower back of a female. It actually has a Wiikipedia Entry.
I used my trusty I-Phone to capture the moment.
If that wasn’t enough, I saw more of the same the next day at the Hershey Lodge in Hershey Pennsylvania.
I’ve even coined a term when I see one. I now refer to them as METS (Mommies Exhibiting Tramp Stamps). It’s not as catchy (or vulgar) as MILF, but it has possibilities.
Tattoos, themselves, don’t PEEVE me. It is when they are on the back of what is supposed to be a role model, your mom. How is that going to look at the your child’s school picnic? How is it going to look in 20 years when gravity takes its toll?
Tattoos are basically meant to be permanent. If they are located on the lower back, the tattooed individual cannot really appreciate the “art” work, because they can’t see it. It ‘s like buying a really cool t-shirt, but wearing it backwards.
I don’t even want to get into the debate about how Tramp Stamps carry a stigma of promiscuity. That’s irrelevant at this point.
Tattoos on the lower back have a medical risk when women with the “mark” want to receive an epidural. Anesthesiologist will avoid putting needle sticks within the “tramp stamp” to avoid possible tattoo discoloration, thus introducing a medical risk.
Most of the METS have tattoos that aren’t even legible. I already have to squint when I read the small print on a menu. It would be rude to stoop and squint while looking at some young mother’s back. I-Phone pictures are much less invasive.
Here is a picture I found on the web. I bet that Tramp Stamp took some time. Don't you love a good scripture quote?
My advice to future METS everywhere, “THINK BEFORE YOU INK.”
Labels: Pet Peeve
You need to come to Zoombezi Bay in Columbus. It's like a METS convention on the weekends. I'd swear last week Sunday was "Tramp Stamp Day" ... show your Stamp and get in half price.
I didn't see a single Stamp that made me think .. "Yeah baby!" Most made my stomach turn.
What about guys with the barbed wire tattoos?
Also referred to as "A$$ hats." I think your removal business will be a huge hit, in about 15-20 years.
Also known as arse antlers. Good peave. Also, tattoo removal is a booming business that has little in the way of regulation. Buy a machine and get blasting!
B. Jr.
Is that the King James edition of scripture or the something from The Reverend JJ?
Wow. You're rediculous. A "Tramp Stamp" as you called it is no different than any other tattoo. You can't see a tattoo on your shoulder. So are those now bad too? Yes you should "Think Before You Ink" but it's their body and their choice. I got my first tattoo at 16 and was called a whore slut etc because of it. These are hurtful things and a young woman getting a tattoo on her back shouldn't be called a tramp.
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