Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August 10, 2010 – The Jonas Brothers

I took my girls to the Jonas Brothers concert last night. Sure I could have shared a picture of the happy look on their faces. Or I could have taken a picture of the custom T-shirt I made for my 7 year old. It read, "Jonas brothers, I Love You" and it had her picture on it. Instead, here was the quietest, most peaceful place at Riverbend. I felt guilty, because I didn't really have to go. I wish I had taken a book with me. When is the last time you saw an empty men's room at a concert?

I may have to go see Justin Bleeber just to have some quality time to myself.


At August 14, 2010 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should have held out for Hannah Montana.


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