Monday, October 12, 2009

Oct. 12, 2009 - PPM - Nobel Peace Prize

This week’s Pet Peeve Monday (PPM) has got to be President Obama receiving the Nobel Peace Prize.

Incredulously, Obama was nominated for the award after only 11 days in office last January. It’s like nominating me for “Father of the Year” while my child is still in utero.

The Nobel Prize was nothing more than a continued aberration from the Norway based group. They should have named the award, “I’m Not George Bush” after they awarded previous prizes to Al Gore (2007) and Jimmy Carter (2002).

Talk about your sore losers. The Nobel committee probably should have post-humorously awarded their fictitious prize to Ann Richards because she was also beat by Bush in 1994.

Obama’s most acknowledged peace result was getting two guys together for a beer after a well documented, local media concocted event, where Obama played the race card. It sounds like he should have been rewarded with Bud-Light’s “Real Man of Genius” award rather than a Nobel Peace Prize.

Maybe the Norwegians should stop drinking the Obama Kool-Aid and switch to Bud-Light. I know it makes me feel better.

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At November 12, 2009 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whut!! could that be a "staging"???
Hymmm...something with the phone?


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