Monday, March 17, 2008

March 17, 2008 - PPM -Tammy Wynette Women

This week’s PET PEEVE MONDAY (PPM) is Tammy Wynette Women.

Wynette was known as the "First Lady of Country Music" and one of her best-known songs, "Stand by Your Man," was a huge hit.

In 1992, future First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton said during a 60 Minutes interview that she wasn't "some little woman, standing by my man and baking cookies, like Tammy Wynette." This was in response to the, at that time, “alleged” affairs of her husband, slick Willy.

As it turns out Hillary was Tammy Wynette 20 times over, as affair after affair came to light.

Now, every time some politician has an affair and makes a public apology or confession, there is a Tammy Wynette moment. The jilted spouse stands stoically by the side of her sinner.

The list is very, very long. Some of my favorites are Kobi Bryant, NJ Gov. James McGreevy, and NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer.

Bryant’s wife had the look of a Cheshire cat as she knew she would receive a $4M diamond within a week of the revelations for her pain.

McGreevy came out of the closet as a gay man while her wife stood as by his side. She was as still as a statue. Incredible support or good narcotics?

Spitzer made two cameo appearances last week, each time with the dutiful wife by his side. She actually looks like a harden Jennifer Aniston. I guess having a husband that spends $3500 an hour on hookers over a 10-year period has got to wear on you.

Just once I would like the wife to stop her husband’s speech in mid sentence with a swift kick to his groin or a firm head slap. And I’m a guy!!!

I love the fact that the new Governor of NY, David Patterson, who took over after Spitzer resigned, admitted he too was unfaithful to wife. He had been in office all of 5 hours. Is there something in the NYC water supply? At least he could have claimed he didn’t know because he is legally blind. An honest mistake.

I asked my spouse what she would do if she found out I spent $3500 for a good time. She responded that I better have taken the kids on a Disney Cruise and received my change in the form a flat screen TV.



At March 19, 2008 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the case of David Patterson - what is the saying, even a blind squirrel finds a a nut or does he find a blind beaver?


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